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Warrington Farmers Market - General Guidelines:
1. All products sold by the vendor must be 75% handmade goods. The other 25% can accompany your goods but the majority must be handmade in some way. This may mean:
a. Handmade, hand remade, locally grown (and/or organic) by the vendor and/or the company they represent.
2. No vendor is given exclusivity for any product.
3. All vendors are personally responsible for complying with local, state, and federal regulations that apply to their businesses, including possibly:
a. Certification of Scales
b. Collection of state sales tax
c. Health and labeling regulations
d. Certifications of the kitchens by the Bucks County Department of Health
4. All vendors providing goods that are “edible/consumable of any sort” must provide a copy of all Bucks County Department of Health certifications/insurance that are up to date through the end of September 2024.
5. All certifications/insurance must be updated before expiration.
6. All vendors must supply their own: tables, chairs, tents/shade structures (securely tied or weighted down at all times), scales, bags, and other items needed to display products and serve customers.
7. Any vendor found to violate any of these General Guidelines of the Warrington Farmers Market is subject to dismissal, without a refund.
8. All vendors are expected to attend all dates they have been contracted to attend. Dismissal from the market, without reimbursement, is at the discretion of the Market Manager after 3 cancellations.
9. The Market will proceed rain or shine with the exception of extreme weather conditions. Vendors who paid in advance for the season and received a significant reduction in fees will not receive refunds in the event of extreme weather cancellation. The Market Management Team will revisit the decision about whether to provide a prorated refund to these vendors in the event of four or more weather cancelations in the season. Extreme weather conditions include:
a. Heat index of 100 degrees or more
b. Forecast of violent storms
10. Acceptable forms of payment will be included in the email communication after your application is received.
11. All vendors must clearly display the name of their business and the prices of all items with either individual price tags or signs.
12. All vendors are responsible for setting up their location, and maintaining and cleaning up their location at the end of the market day.
13. Each vendor is responsible for submitting payment to the market manager if paying per market.
14. All vendors are expected to arrive and set up at least 30 minutes before the opening of the market. (Prior arrangements must be made and agreed upon.) The earliest setup can start at 2:00PM.
15. No vendor will be able to enter the area with a vehicle after 4:15 p.m. If you have a job/prior obligation and can’t make it by 4:15 p.m., then you need to make arrangements to have someone else set up for you and staff the booth until you can arrive. Lateness and last minute setups will no longer be tolerated at this market.
16. All vendors are required to remain fully set up until the designated closing time of 7:30pm.
17. Market space and location of vendors will be done at the discretion of the Market Manager.
a. If you have a preference please discuss it with Market Management who will do their best to accommodate you.
18. All vendors are expected to remain professional at all times.
a. Any action deemed "inappropriate/unprofessional" by the Warrington Farmers Market Team, no matter the time/location, depending on the offense, may result in a verbal and written warning or you may be dismissed immediately from the Warrington Farmers Market without a refund.
b. Vendors will share any concerns/comments in a constructive, respectful manner directly with the Market Manager, Mariah (who will be walking around constantly), or the Assistant Manager, Larissa (of 5 Smooth Stones Family Farm), who will be positioned at the 1st tent location.
c. Vendors are asked to share any concerns regarding a customer or other vendors directly with the Market Manager (Mariah) at (215)290-3118.
19. A final contract, including the dates you are scheduled or a notification of denial will be sent via email by Friday 2/16/24 for all applications received by 1/31/24.
20. All completed documentation and required certifications are due by May 1, 2024.
Any payments made after 5/1/24 will be assessed at $25 per market (due the Wednesday prior)
Warrington Township Lions Club 2023.